All our programs have flourished because of the Parishioner collaborators and volunteers, who help to teach the children, young adults, and adults to grow as disciples and live their faith in our community. They give their time, talents, and gifts to serve and teach in our parish community. If you want to share your gifts with us, or if you have any questions, please call the Parish Office, at 619-295-2157, option 2, or
English & Spanish Baptism Information click here
Infant Presentation click here
Wedding Information:
English click here / Espanol aqui
Funeral Information: Please call the Parish Office
Registration for Sacraments for Children & Youth Special Needs
Online August 2-31
In-Person August 18-22 (M-F 10:00 AM-3;00 PM)
For information on First Communion classes click here
For information on Confirmation for Youth classes click here
Registration for Adult Sacrament Classes Online: August 2-September 14
Information for Sacrament for Adults:
OCIA (English Class) OICA (clase espanol)
Important Notice
The Religious Education Sacrament Fees for the 2025-2026 school year
are per student, Non-Refundable, and paid IN-FUL as follows:
For Adult: OCIA & OICA: $200
Confirmation for Youth: $180 - and $60 per each additional sacrament needed (Baptism: $60 & First Communion:$60)
First Communion: $160 - and an additional $60 if Baptism is needed
**We reserve the right to increase Stipends without previous notice**